Frequently asked questions
To place an order, please contact customer service:
Our print shop serves customers from all over Polish, as well as from abroad. To meet the expectations of all customers we work with couriers. Every day we send the ordered goods, and customers have the ability to track online where is currently sent the package.
For the sake of timely delivery, we have developed the most efficient logistic procedures to reliably, quickly and cost-effectively deliver the ordered goods to the right address. It is also possible to personal receipt of requested materials.
In Szczecin, and the immediate area we deliver goods also own transport. We invite you to take advantage of our logistics services.
The term of the contract begins from the date of the order confirmation by our printing press. Such customer will receive a confirmation via email.
The delivery period is extended by the time resulting from the delays attributable to the contracting authority.
The deadline for delivery is extended also in case of higher obstacles, as long as these obstacles have had a significant impact on the implementation of the order, and if such circumstances occur at suppliers Contractors. The contractor shall immediately inform the customer of this kind of obstacles and on its dissolution.
If there are no other arrangements the entire payment for the goods at his reception by the buyer or before its shipment to the bank account provided by your ISP.
In the case of a determination by the parties of the payment deadline and the non-payment within this period, the contractor reserves the right to refuse the next order or execution of the next order from 100% prepayment or inclusion in the nearest deposit on account of arrears to the amount of the balance of the arrears.
In the event of delay of payment, the contractor shall charge interest at the rate of 0.3% per day of delay.
To file a complaint, please send an email at
1. For printing we accept files in the following form:
– composite PDF files in version 1.3 created by Adobe Acrobat Distiller with option “print shop” (no compression) or generated as PDF/x-1a with the included fonts (in PDF FILE should not contain color profiles attached, fonts must be enclosed inside the document or convert to curves);
– composite files. ps and .prn;
– open files created in programs: Corel Draw, InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, etc. Fonts in these files should be converted to curves. If the conversion of the curves is not possible, a form of file delivery please agree with DTP Department. To open files, you must include a preview of work in jpg. In the case of open files (eg. CDR, ai), plus a fee for the preparation of print file calculated according to the time spent (Imaging Studio cost is $ 25/HR)-a minimum of $ 40.
2. Multiple page documents please send in a single file.
3. If the image ends flush with the edge of the page (the so-called. graphics to bleed), you must add a minimum of 3 mm bleed. It is also recommended that you add the cut marks, in particular, when the work will be saved in a format that does not specify the area.
4. The resolution of the bitmap should contain between 250 dpi and 300 dpi resolution (less than 250 dpi can adversely affect the quality of printed objects).
5. Do not use RGB color (in the case of the delivery of the work containing the RGB colors, the final print may not be compatible with the expectations of the client). All bitmaps should be in CMYK mode.
These guidelines apply to all provided documents, regardless of the program in which they were prepared.
6. Usage notes:
– for colour print CMYK should not be used a different color palette than CMYK-all Pantone ® colors to be converted to CMYK
– If the job will be printed with Pantone, the correct vector objects should be defined as Pantone ® colors and bitmap as duotony.
Materials please provide the storage media (CD, DVD, PEN DRIVE, etc) or post on our FTP server, and send the request to the appropriate email:
Order of exposure should include: (gross and net), number of colors, number of pages, the screen, whether it is lighting the CTF or CTP (in the case of the CTP, you must supply the sensor size and distance in which the work is to be from the edge of the matrix)
Please note that in the case of open files WE are NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ERRORS.
We do not assume liability for the final effect of the documents, which were prepared in accordance with the above guidelines and those that use graphic special effects such as. transparency, lenses, shadows, masks, etc.
1. We accept files in the following formats: pdf, tif and jpg. Please supply files on a scale of 1:1 or 1:10.
2. In the case of open files (e.g. cdr, ai), we charge a fee for preparing the file for print (min. 50 PLN net). One hour of work of a graphic studio is a net cost of 100 PLN.
3. All layers in the files should be flattened and fonts converted to curves. Also, please do not use lenses, transparency, shadows, texture fills, masks, etc. Please do not add stripes, cut marks, colour cubes, etc.
Files should not be multi-page – each work must be a separate file.
4. artwork should be prepared in CMYK mode, additional colours (e.g. Pantone) and artwork in RGB mode will be automatically converted to the closest that the output device can achieve.
5. please do not use overprints – this may cause the colour to change or the object to disappear.
6. Deep black will be achieved with the following combination:
C – 30%, M – 30%, Y – 30%, K – 100%.
The above guidelines apply to all supplied documents, regardless of the programme in which they were prepared.
7. We suggest that the resolution of graphics should be set according to the distance from which they will be viewed (as the distance increases, the resolution decreases):
– media viewed from a distance of less than 1 m, e.g. photographs – approx. 300 dpi
– media viewed at a distance of 1 m, e.g. posters – approx. 150-260 dpi
– media viewed from greater distances, e.g. billboards – approx. 50 dpi
8. Please attach a low-resolution preview in jpg format to the actual files.
9. graphic preparation depends on the medium on which it will be printed and the type of processing:
printing on banner, mesh, etc.
– seams – if artwork is prepared to bleed, add 4 cm on each side (target format after processing = net format, format with stocks = gross format),
– white background – also add 4 cm all around and a contrasting frame around the gross format along which the artwork will be cut
– if the artwork is to be cut to fit the net format, this must be stated in the order – in this case no bleed is needed,
– tunnels – determine the height of the tunnel on a flat surface and add this value + 1.5 cm for the seam to the net artwork (e.g. the tunnel is to be 10 cm high, add 11.5 cm)
printing on flat surfaces – in the case of bleed graphic, please add 3 mm bleed on each side.
For non-standard processing, please contact us.
10. The print order should include:
– name of the ordering party
– file name
– format of the work (net and gross if necessary)
– number of copies
– name of material
– method of finishing (strengthening welds + eyelets every 50 cm = standard finish)
– agreed or expected completion date
(completion time is a minimum of 2 days from the date of delivery of the ready-to-print files)
– details for VAT invoice
Please send your print order prepared in this way by e-mail to:
Please attach a preview file of your print artwork to your order. Please upload production files directly to our FTP server, send by e-mail (up to 10 MB) or by vetransfer.
An incorrectly completed order or graphics not prepared according to the guidelines will release us from responsibility for any incorrect work.
If in doubt, please contact us.
Files with the tarball you can deliver to us in three different ways:
If the image files do not exceed 20 Mb you can deliver them via e-mail, by uploading them to the following address:
Please in the body of the message with the exact guidelines for print and order or fill in the order form and the selection in one of its fields how to deliver graphics files.
If the image files they weigh more than 20 MB please to use our FTP server:
FTP server address:
user: totem
password: totem2008
Files, please set the ‘incoming ‘.
More information in the section ‘ZAMÓWIENIA ‘, tab “FTP server”
After sending the file to the server, please send us an e-mail containing the guidelines for print and the order confirmation with upload files to the server, or fill in and send the order form and the selection in one of its fields how to deliver graphics files.
We also accept files saved on storage media such as a CD or USB flash drive.
FTP server address:
user: totem
password: totem2008
Files, please set the ‘incoming ‘.
Transferring files using Total Commander:
1. Run the program-a window will appear where on the left and on the right we have a tree of files.
2. The “network” menu, choose “FTP Connection …” or press the key combination “CTRL + F” to open FTP connection pane.
3. In the window that opens, click on “new connection”-will the window to create a new connection and enter the data:
Session: Totem
Host name:
User: totem
Password: totem2008
Click “OK”.
4. In the list you should see the name of the “Totem”-select and press “connect”. In the right window of the program will be the contents of our FTP server.
5. By pressing “F7” create our new directory to the FTP server. The directory name must include the business name or the name of the principal-name you must also send us in the body of the e-mail message and the order form.
6. On the left we find the files you want to upload to an FTP server and copy them to the previously created directory.